Friday, 30 March 2012

Lost identity

Identity fraud
Your identity and personal information are valuable. Criminals can find out your personal details and use them to open bank accounts and get credit cards, loans, state benefits and documents such as passports and driving licenses in your name.
You can notice that your identity is stolen by :
Unusual payments or direct debits appearing on your bank statements,important mail going missing - you should know when to expect a bank statement or a new cheque book, and if it doesn't arrive, tell your bank, contents of recycling bins and rubbish bags being tampered with, bills arriving for things that you haven't bought or for services you haven't ordered, new credit cards appearing on your credit record.It is important that you know that if somebody is using your ID number  illegally ,that person can ruin your positive credit rating and you might end up being blacklisted.

What is the government doing about identity fraud.
The Department of Home affairs introduced certain changes with the Identity Document (ID) in 2000, such as the new Coat of Arms appearing on the Identity Document and the font and spacing of the letters inside the white box on page 1. As part of the continued drive to combat identity fraud and theft the Department of Home Affairs introduced further changes with effect of November 2010. This new South African Identity Document will keep many of the features of the Identity Document prior and it will be very hard for anyone to make and sell fake identities.
If you know that your identity is stolen you can stop it. By obtaining a copy of your credit profile and keeping in touch with your credit history on a regular basis, you will be able to immediately assess whether or not anyone has obtained credit on your name.
Therefore it is important that you make sure that you protect your details and be aware of any signs that your identity might have been stolen.
If you think that your identity has been stolen or you have information on people who are doing this crime do not hesitate to find advice and help by going straight to the police station.

Friday, 23 March 2012

Rape is a crime

No means no


Rape is a violent way of forcing someone to have sex with you. In South Africa more women are being raped every day than men. A women is raped in South Africa every 17 seconds. It has been established that one in every 2 women get raped everyday. In most cases rape is not about sex it is about power.
These are some of the common rapes found in South Africa ; date rape and drug rape.
Date rape happens when someone triggers you to go out on a date with them ,buys you everything and makes you feel safe and loved ,once they have accomplished that trust that's when the perpetrator will take advantage and rape the victim.
Drug rape is when someone gives you drugs and once you are high they will take advantage and rape you , with the intentions that the victim will not remember anything that happened hence they were high. In most cases this happens in night clubs , guys offer girls drinks which they put drugs in it, once the girl drinks it the guy then will take advantage and rape the girl.

Most victims of rape adjust to their experience in phases.  Patterns of this adjustment vary greatly and it is important to state again that there is no one appropriate way to readjust.  However, three stages of adjustment have been served as occurring frequently following a rape attack as well as other life crisis. (

These three stages are:
1. Shock:  During this phase the victim may suffer from acute anxiety, fear, and guilt, and observable reactions can vary from hysteria to numbness.
2. Denial:  During this stage the victim attempts to "forget the whole thing."  She will probably discuss the incident very little, will deny any strong feelings of hurt or anger, and will attempt to return to her daily routine.
3. Integration:  Despite attempts to return to "business as usual," many rape victims realise that the attack has played a more important role in their lives than they had realised. Recurring nightmares, uneasiness about the environment and difficulties with personal relationships often continues to plague them.  Prolonged effects of the attack may force a woman into a healthy reevaluation of the incident and it's impact on her life. (

This must come to an end. Men need to start treating women with respect and dignity. To every women who have experienced this be strong ,yes its hard but its not the end of the world, get up and start all over again. A human being can not prepare for such trauma it always happens unawar tothe women. If this happens to you do not be afraid to go out and seek for help. These perpetrators must be reported and get punished for what they have done.
These are the steps one need to take after the incident has occurred
*Go straight to the clinic and police station get evidence and open up a case.

Friday, 16 March 2012

Poverty the root cause of crime

Poverty is the root to crime


overty is the state of one's lack of certain amount of materials, possessions or money , in other word being poor. A person who is in Poverty lacks certain amount of materials, possessions or money hence that person lacks basic human needs, not having enough to feed and clothe themselseves.
Poverty has many causes, some of them very basic. Some experts suggest that the world has too many people, too few jobs, and not enough food.The major causes of  include inadequate education , overpopulation, the unequal distribution of resources in the world economy, inability to meet high standards of living and costs of living,  and employment opportunities, environmental degradation, certain economic and demographic trends, and welfare incentives.  This there fore presents a lot of challenges to the ordinary citizens who are then left with minimal options to erk out a living , that could be the reason why they end up doing crime to survive.

According to News24 , Three quarters of 2000 adults from the major metropolitan areas of South Africa agreed that poverty was the main cause of crime. These people turn to crime because they think that crime is the only solution to poverty. (



The foundation to any stable long-term democracy is an educated, employed, and organized civil society with small differences between classes of society. Education has become a key driver of growth and development : knowledge is power. Countries with higher skill levels are better equipped to face new challenges and master technological discoveries. If more people value education they will have a much brighter future than if they did not go to school at all. School enhances the brain to be able to think wiser and to keep on developing the individual’s needs in terms of thinking of legal ways of making a living. There are so many opportunities for South Africans starting their own businesses. These businesses include the likes of crafting, recycling and selling at street corners. Our education system needs to be designed in such a way that our scholars are equiped with skills to sustain them selves even when they dont get employment.


Most people who have not been fortunate enough to get an education find themselves having lesser opportunities of getting employed and end up getting exposed to wrong activities in the communities. They end up being involved in crime hence they have not acquired any sufficient skills due to the fact that they did not go to school.
The ability to obtain an income through gainful employment is a gaping hole in the fight against crime and of course, poverty. This can only be done through the Countries skills development programme and education increase. 

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Say no to drugs

Say no to drugs

What are drugs?
A drug is any substance which when taken into the body, alters the body’s function either physically and psychologically. Drugs may be legal (e.g. alcohol, caffeine and tobacco) or illegal (e.g. cannabis, ecstasy, cocaine and heroin). (

There are drugs that are legally produced and used in medicine if it is procured in an illegal way for non-medical use its then it is danger to the society.
One of the major causes of crime is drugs and peer pressure amongst teenagers. Drug users do crimes such as robbing people and stealing valuable items in their houses to maintain the addiction.

These are some of the reasons why teenager's use drugs:
+ Socialising with friends\ peer pressure 
 + Boredom
 + Curiosity/ experimental
 + To escape from psychological or physical pain

These are the most used drugs in South Africa.

+ 2.52 million use dagga
+ 250 000 use cocaine
+ 80 000 smoke cigarette

These are some of the suggestions that could prevent teenagers to be involved in drugs

+ Parents should foster a close relationship
+ Establish arrangements and guidelines about what is acceptable behaviour around alcohol and drugs
+ Encourage a healthy approach to life including good food, sports and regular exercise.

The effects that drugs have on the human body
+ Stomach ulcers
+ Constipation or diarrhoea
                                                       + Kidney damage

The social department launched the national anti- substance abuse campaign.  
  "Social Development is the lead government department in implementing the National Drug Master Plan (NMDP, 2006-2011), which serves as a blue print of national action and programmes to stamp out drug abuse and its associated challenges. The NMDP commits government and all important sectors of society to work together on key areas such as to reduce the demand and supply of illegal drugs through a wide range of coordinated action from national to local levels.  "- The Department of Social Development                            

People make money out of drugs and yet they do not get caught. South Africans export drugs from countries like Nigeria. All they think about is money and yet they destroy teenagers lives. The youth of South Africa is South Africa's future. Now that these people are destroying the youth .Who will be the future of South

If you need help on helping someone to stop their addiction call:
SANCA 24-HOUR HELPLINE 082 264 7000