Friday 23 March 2012

Rape is a crime

No means no


Rape is a violent way of forcing someone to have sex with you. In South Africa more women are being raped every day than men. A women is raped in South Africa every 17 seconds. It has been established that one in every 2 women get raped everyday. In most cases rape is not about sex it is about power.
These are some of the common rapes found in South Africa ; date rape and drug rape.
Date rape happens when someone triggers you to go out on a date with them ,buys you everything and makes you feel safe and loved ,once they have accomplished that trust that's when the perpetrator will take advantage and rape the victim.
Drug rape is when someone gives you drugs and once you are high they will take advantage and rape you , with the intentions that the victim will not remember anything that happened hence they were high. In most cases this happens in night clubs , guys offer girls drinks which they put drugs in it, once the girl drinks it the guy then will take advantage and rape the girl.

Most victims of rape adjust to their experience in phases.  Patterns of this adjustment vary greatly and it is important to state again that there is no one appropriate way to readjust.  However, three stages of adjustment have been served as occurring frequently following a rape attack as well as other life crisis. (

These three stages are:
1. Shock:  During this phase the victim may suffer from acute anxiety, fear, and guilt, and observable reactions can vary from hysteria to numbness.
2. Denial:  During this stage the victim attempts to "forget the whole thing."  She will probably discuss the incident very little, will deny any strong feelings of hurt or anger, and will attempt to return to her daily routine.
3. Integration:  Despite attempts to return to "business as usual," many rape victims realise that the attack has played a more important role in their lives than they had realised. Recurring nightmares, uneasiness about the environment and difficulties with personal relationships often continues to plague them.  Prolonged effects of the attack may force a woman into a healthy reevaluation of the incident and it's impact on her life. (

This must come to an end. Men need to start treating women with respect and dignity. To every women who have experienced this be strong ,yes its hard but its not the end of the world, get up and start all over again. A human being can not prepare for such trauma it always happens unawar tothe women. If this happens to you do not be afraid to go out and seek for help. These perpetrators must be reported and get punished for what they have done.
These are the steps one need to take after the incident has occurred
*Go straight to the clinic and police station get evidence and open up a case.


  1. Rape is really a serious issue that can destroy ones life.people should be educated more of rapes especially date rape which most girls are not aware of.victims of rape should not feel as if they did anything to encourage the rapist or they deserved it, but should talk about it to people they trust inorder to get help because bottling things inside is never a right idea but a punishment to yourself.

    1. Thats true. The government should incourage the department of education to highlight the rape issue in their learning areas. Mostly boys should be thought about rape because thats were it all starts. Girls on the other side should not be afraid at all to get help if they are raped.

  2. rape is quite a serious offence but what bugs me the most is the fact that no matter how many victims the are of rape there is still a lot of rapists working the streets because they made bail yet the victims are scared for life. I feel that the issue of applying for bail when charged with rape should be banned.

    1. That is a valid point.South Africa should have a strict law that these perpatrators should serve many years in jail or rather have life sentence in jail and no applying for bail. I mean rape takes away ones self dignity and self value which is unfair.

  3. This a serious issue especially amongst young girls and most of all people are scared to report rape. Rape is one of the crimes that happens continuosly. That is why people should stand together and fight this, by reporting it, whether someone attempted to rape you.

    1. I agree with you, people should stop being scared to report such cases. These perpatrators must be stoped no matter what it takes. South Africa should be a safe counrty at all times. No one should live in fear.

  4. I also believe that NO MEANGS NO! I dont understand people who force women (mostly) to have sex with them, if she does not feel like doing it why force?

    1. It all begins in the up bringing of a individual. I honestly do not think that a man who was raised well will force a women to have sex with him.

  5. Why do women always have to be the victims , this is not right and 100% not fair < its really sad >

    1. It has been proven that women are weaker than men. Men tend to take advantage of the fact that women cannot fight back due to the fact that they are weaker than men.

  6. dee are you planning on taking part in "LAW"?

  7. hw can one be turnd on while using power?. sex nd power dont go hand in hand but sex nd romence go 2geda
