Friday 27 April 2012

Pupils are a danger to their teachers

Pupil assaults teacher over a confiscated cellphone

A teacher who had enough of the violence and being mistreated
High school pupils think they rule the world, They are disrespectful towards their teachers, they do not listen in class and they do not do their work as requested by their teachers. I think its the issue that they do not get punished anymore or should i say get beaten anymore. Its against the law to beat a pupil and yet pupils do not respect teachers. South African pupils think that now that they have rights they can do whatever they want and where ever they want. Some will say it all begins at home, parents do not discipline their children anymore with the fear of being arrested for abuse. Pupils have the wrong idea of the term democracy. Democracy is all about everyone living in peace and dignity after all this is a free country.

A 19-year-old matriculate from Imbali outside Pietermaritzburg has been arrested for hitting his teacher with a desk plank. A witness said the pupil had assaulted his teacher after an argument over a cellphone.His cellphone had been confiscated on Monday and he was demanding it back when he got angry and attacked the teacher.The school did not allow cellphones on its premises, the publication said.Police spokesperson Lieutenant Joey Jeevan told the newspaper the boy was in custody and was due to appear in court on

The boy knew that cellphones are not allowed on school premises or in class but still he used his cellphone with the mentality that they will not take it. The boy is a senior , what example is he setting to his fellow mates?.

We experience cases like these everyday in South Africa, even worse some teachers get killed by pupils. Teachers are  afraid to go teach these children hence they are a danger to them. South Africa has a shortage of teachers as it is so imagine if we loose the ones we have because of these pupils that think they rule the world.


  1. It's sad to think students purposely break certain rules and then assault a teacher for doing the right thing. It's a disgrace, really it is. Where is the respect?

    1. Its really a disgrace, it shows that the pupil was not thought how to respect adults.

  2. well i really think that Coparral punishment shoould be back but must be done in a right way not exagarrated. at my school we used to be beaten and i tell you there was no such thing of teachers disrespecting teachers like this....disgrace

    1. I agree with you Siphokazi it should be back. These teenagers need to be disciplined , because it seems like parents are failing to discipline their children.

    2. I do not agree with you guys because 'Charity, begins at home', let us start there. First of all have you seen how teachers beat up or punish students? do you guys watch the news? it is scary to see how some teachers handle this matter, and I am not saying students must disrespect their teachers what I am saying is that teachers must find other ways of punishing students in schools, but corporal punishment is not the answer

    3. Solutions have been tried and applied but the question is do they work? No they do not work. Coporal punishment is the answer to all of this.

  3. I've witness such assults in my high school while I was in matric, its not on at all.

    1. Its not on. Teachers should be treated with respect at all time regardless of the situation.

  4. A lot has 2b done some learnrs hv gone way out of hnd nd this has 2cum 2 an end.

    1. I agree a lot needs to be done, The department of education needs to deal with this as soon as possible

  5. Whats wrong with these pupils? Coporal punishment should be implemented back in South Africa

  6. Thank you Rose , I 100% agree with you on that one.

    1. lets wright a letter to the department of education and ask if can they atleast bring copporal punishment back?

    2. I suggest you try and you will let me know about the feedback
